
Kategori: MyMind

This is about him. He who I really like. My crush. My boyfriend.
He likes me. What is wrong with him? How can he like me? Like that.. It dosen't feel posible. It dosen't feel real. How can he tell my mind that I am beautiful, when everything I know is how ugly I am. How can he make me feel like I am a whole other person, a beautiful person? He makes me feel like I am for real. Like I exist. I have felt like I lived inside my head in the furure for so long. And he just makes me feel like I live in the now. Like I am here right now. I like him so much.
That is why it hurts for real real this time.
I T  H U R T S .
So why must life happen now? Why does my heart tell me two things at the same time? Why do I have to choose between life and love? I don't want to lose either. I want to be with him. But I want to live my life and fullfill my dreams. Those dreams I've had for over seven years. I am so sorry but I can't let my dreams go. And I cry so often because I really don't want us to end. And all I can think of is how we can solve us. How can we still be? Is it posible to still be, thou beeing apart for four years? No, it won't work. And I cry and cry and cry. I hate it. I want both. I don't want to choose. Because I know what I will choose and that hurts. So so much. And I hate it, hate it, hate it. 
H A T E 
S O  M U C H
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